
Meet the diverse group of former students I have had the privilege to work with in the past

Joon Chuah 


PhD: 2012-2016


The Quality of Drinking-Water Resources in Northern Thailand

E-mail: joon [dot] chuah [at] u [dot] nus [dot] edu 



No fluoride on these teeth.



Featured papers from his dissertation:


 Chuah, CJ, N Mukhaidin, SH Choy, GJD Smith, IH Mendenhall, YAL Lim, AD Ziegler. 2016. Cryptosporidium and giardia in the drinking-water resources of northern Thailand: a temporal and catchment-scale study. Science of the Total Environment 562: 701-713.



Chuah CJ, HR Lye, AD Ziegler, SH Wood, C Kongpun, S Rajchagool. 2016. Fluoride: A naturally-occurring health hazard in drinking-water resources of Northern Thailand. Science of the Total Environment 545-546: 266-279.


chuah+2016-STE-545-546-fluoride hotspot
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Pierre Taillardat (PhD Completed)


Surface and Subsurface Biogeochemical Dynamics in a Highly Productive Mangrove of South East Asia



Dr Dan Friess (NUS, Singapore)              

Dr David Widory (GEOTOP/UQAM, Canada)

Dr Cyril Marchand (IRD, France/Vietnam)



Tien Trinh Nguyen Canh
Field days are good days

Tien Trinh Nguyen Canh (PhD Completed)


Dissertation: Is Nee Soon catchment disturbed? a holistic approach to the catchment's elemental distribution, movement and deposition in soils and sediments

Alok at high altitude...
Alok at high altitude...

Alok Bhardwaj (PhD Completed)




PhD project: To address increasing vulnerability of the North West Himalayan region to natural hazards of landslides and large floods that are induced by high intensity rainfall



At home on the Ping flood plains
At home on the Ping flood plains

Khairun Nisha Bte Mohamed Ramdzan


Master of Social Science (degree awarded December 2016)


Thesis:  Application Of Palaeoflood Sedimentology To Identify Changes To The Fluvial Environments And To Reconstruct Peak Discharges In The Upper Ping River, Chiang Mai.



Annie Lau 


PhD (2015): 




Research Interests

Tsunami and Storm Deposits.


PhD (Geography), National University of Singapore (Jan 2016).


Dissertation title: Assessing coastal hazards with high-energy wave-deposited boulders: Case studies from three tropical pacific islands



Featured paper from her dissertation: 


Lau AY, JP Terry, AD Ziegler, AD Switzer, Y Lee, S Etiene. Understanding the history of extreme wave events in the Tuamotu Archipelago of French Polynesia from large carbonate boulders on Makemo Atoll, with implications for future threats in the central South Pacific.  Marine Geology 380: 174-190.


lau+2016-Marine Geology 380 174-190 Make
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In a deep hole without an auger...
In a deep hole without an auger...

Jiaqi Yuen 


Master Social Science: 2012-2015 (confirmed May 2015).


Thesis: Uncertainty in above- and below-ground carbon biomass in major land covers in SE Asia: Implications for biomass carbon assessments for REDD+ initiatives.

Featured paper: Yuen JQ, AD Ziegler, R Casey, EL Webb. 2013. Uncertainty in Below-ground Carbon Biomass for Major Land Covers in Southeast Asia. Forest Ecology and Management 310: 915-926.

yuen et al 2013 FEM 310 - uncertainty in
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Featured paper: Yuen JQ, T Fung, AD Ziegler. 2016. Review of allometric equations for major land covers in SE Asia: Uncertainty and implications for above- and below-ground carbon estimates. Forest Ecology and Management 360: 323–340.

yuen+2015-FEM-360-review of allometric e
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Serene Ng 


Master candidate, 2013-2015.


Thesis: Social Memories of Floods: The Making of Hazardscapes in Ayutthaya.


Featured paper: Ng, XQS, SH Wood, AD Ziegler. 2014. Ancient floods, modern hazards: the Ping River, paleofloods and the ’lost city’ of Wiang Kum Kam. Natural Hazards. 10.1007/s11069-014-1426-7.

Ng+2014-Natural Hazards.pdf
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Jimmy Bramante, MSc (2015)


Thesis Title: Quantifying Recent Trends in Seagrass Cover and Biomass in a Stressed Environment, Pulau Semakau, Singapore


Although my thesis primarily focused on seagrass monitoring and remote sensing techniques, my research interests had a broader range. In general I was building limited prior research to connect the health and distribution of coastal organisms to their coastal environments. This allowed me to indulge in some eclectic methods, from harvesting seagrass, to counting phytoplankton, measuring distance with stereo imaging, manually identifying and measuring thousands of corals from video transects, supervised classification of low resolution satellite images, non-linear optimization of hyperspectral reflectance models.

Michelle Quak (Master candidate)


Thesis Title: Provenance of seagrass sediments on Yao Yai Island, Pang Nga, Thailand.








Featured paper:


Quak, Michelle SY, AD Ziegler, SG  Benner, S Evans, PA Todd, LG Gillis, N Jachowski, S Vongtanaboon, TJ Bouma.  The origin of seagrass meadow sediment on Yao Yai Island, Thailand: Emerging evidence of anthropogenic impact. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 182: 136-145.



Quak+2016-ECSS-processes affecting distr
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Lucy Gwen Gillis (PhD Candidate)


Thesis Title: Facilitation Beyond Biodiversity (2014)


Post-doc researcher, Mangrove Ecology


Tel: +49(0)421 238 00-179

 Fax: +49(0)421 238 00-30





 Leibniz-Zentrum für Marine Tropenökologie (ZMT) GmbH Fahrenheitstraße 6

28359 Bremen






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Loads of good papers from Lucy:

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Gillis+2014-MEPS-leaf transport in mimic
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Because I do not have such a photograph with the Mae Sa river...
Because I do not have such a photograph with the Mae Sa river...

Rachel Koh (RKY3)



Masters student (2017-2018)

Topic: Stream Acidification, Nee Soon Swamp Forest Singapore.


Current Employment: WWF Singapore


 TZ & ahagarezetam
TZ & ahagarezetam

Terry Ziegler

Master candidate, 1999-pres.

Thesis: Natural selection and strange configurations of ahagarzetam schools