Alan D Ziegler
Aug 2015: ADZ in Ladakh India

Alan D. Ziegler (Professor)


Faculty of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources

 Mae Jo University

Chiang Mai Thailand 



My research and teaching address the interactions of physical and ecological systems, with water resources serving as a common nexus. His work typically involves developing environmental monitoring programs that facilitate understanding catchment processes, as they vary both naturally and anthropogenically over different spatial and temporal scales.


 I am looking for new graduate students who have interest in various aspects of water resource management, environmental health, natural hazards, and/or hillslope/catchment hydrology. In particular, I am interested in exploring the risks of rural populations in developing areas to ingestion of contaminated drinking water, exposure to anthropogenic contaminants (heavy metals and pesticides), exposure water-borne pathogens (e.g., parasites, bacteria). This type of research requires extended fieldwork in foreign countries, language training, and hands-on work with local populations. The research is a multi-disciplinary balancing act, grounded in science, but with an interest in incorporating elements of human geography.


Interested?  I am always eager to start new collaborations with hungry and open-minded people who enjoying learning new things.


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AD Ziegler CV 2023
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